We all want our vehicle to look like new forever. Although you get them washed every day, but getting professional washing and cleaning will do greater good. Motofixers use ultra modern tools and technology to make sure that the washing and cleaning is done in a fast and effective manner.
You can get in touch with us and avail our specialized vehicle washing and cleaning services. It includes -
Interior Dry and wet vacuuming of carpet and seats.
Exterior Foam washing including wheel and Underbody wash.
Dashboard, door panel, and console wiping and polishing
Application of synthetic Wax and sealant
Glass coating
Hand blow and Infrared Interior/Exterior Drying
Your search for the best washing and cleaning service for your vehicle would be completed at MotoFixers. We provide services for all make and model of cars and bikes. It is very convenient and affordable. Just book the slot for your car and get maximum customer satisfaction.